You hear it all the time around this area of the country, at least at this time of the year, "If you don't like the weather, just stick around a day, and it'll change." Yuck. We finally had December-like temperatures the past few days, and all of a sudden we are back at 70. Pneumonia anyone?
And then, of course, I am reminded of the title of my own blog. It's a hard thing to do then you don't care for your surroundings, whether it be people, climate, or terrain. In my case it's the climate. Ok, Lord, reprimand heard.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Cookies and Presents
Finally. Frosting sugar cookies is something that only gets done at Christmas and every time I do them I am reminded why. What a time-consuming task. Mom has decided, and rightly so, that we ought to start contributing to the goodies instead of her doing them all. I guess I need to try out the fudge recipe some day to see if I can make it. For now I think Mom is stuck with that task. But I don't really mind doing the cookies, even if it is a two-day task. Or at least it is for the number of them that we usually make. I'm going to send a few to Chris and give some to the neighbors.
All the presents are purchased, one is left to be wrapped cause I just bought it, and all I have to do is load them up. I braved the mall today out of absolute necessity. Sometimes I don't mind shopping during this time of December, but only if I already have everything purchased, and I am just out nosing around. Thankfully I did find what I was looking for so I could then beat it home to get out of the madness. There is no tree up this year, nor are there any other decorations. I'll just enjoy the neighbors'. Well, I did buy at the dollar store an 18" tree that has 2 colors of fiber optics. It's sitting in the window, but I have yet to turn it on! It's really not Bah Humbug, I just don't like to decorate for myself. I quit doing it the last few years I was single, and with Chris around I just don't feel like Christmas is here, but at my parents'. So, I'll enjoy Mom's when I get there.
We think we are halfway through the deployment. We don't have an ETA yet, only our own calculations. My brother is home on time, though, and we are thankful. He has been doing contract work, or something like that, and his arrival date wavered at the last minute.
Way passed my bedtime. I just had to celebrate the completion of the cookies ;)
All the presents are purchased, one is left to be wrapped cause I just bought it, and all I have to do is load them up. I braved the mall today out of absolute necessity. Sometimes I don't mind shopping during this time of December, but only if I already have everything purchased, and I am just out nosing around. Thankfully I did find what I was looking for so I could then beat it home to get out of the madness. There is no tree up this year, nor are there any other decorations. I'll just enjoy the neighbors'. Well, I did buy at the dollar store an 18" tree that has 2 colors of fiber optics. It's sitting in the window, but I have yet to turn it on! It's really not Bah Humbug, I just don't like to decorate for myself. I quit doing it the last few years I was single, and with Chris around I just don't feel like Christmas is here, but at my parents'. So, I'll enjoy Mom's when I get there.
We think we are halfway through the deployment. We don't have an ETA yet, only our own calculations. My brother is home on time, though, and we are thankful. He has been doing contract work, or something like that, and his arrival date wavered at the last minute.
Way passed my bedtime. I just had to celebrate the completion of the cookies ;)
Friday, November 30, 2007
Newborns and Old Friends
How wonderful it was the past two days to combine the two! I have a Virginia friend living relatively nearby and she had her second child last week. I was unable to visit until this week, and then wound up spending two nights impromptu in order to visit not just with her, but her parents also, who I haven't seen since rougly this time last year. The baby boy is adorable--and such a good baby! This is a blessing to my friend since her oldest child will only turn 1 year old next week. Yes, she has her hands full. Now I'm missing Virginia all over again, and simply will have to make plans for a visit!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
It's the End of November??
What a busy two weeks I have had! Actually, I've been pretty much on the go since the beginning of October (it was a beautiful wedding, Julie!) with either somewhere to go or something to do at home. I am a homebody, but have been glad for the opportunities to keep my mind off of my "aloneness."
Two weeks ago I headed out for a fast trip to the midwest. First stop was my brother in Ohio. He had purchased a home in May, and I wanted to see it as well as him. It was a long 13-hour drive to get there, something I haven't done in a very long time. But it was worth it to spend the time with him. We roamed through the air museum at WPAFB the next day--airplanes are somewhat of a hobby/passion for him, and I am always interested in anything to do with history. Granted, there are very modern models there, too, which were no less interesting to me. We had no where nearly enough time.
I left him the following morning and headed to Indiana for a one-day stopover for a local church convention. My parents were also there, and I wanted to see them. One of the preachers that I enjoy hearing was the evening speaker. It was a small meeting, but enjoyable.
Leaving there the following morning I headed to my in-laws toward the southeastern part of IN. We had an early Thanksgiving dinner with Chris's grandparents making the (for them) arduous hour-long trip. I was very humbled that they would do this, and we had a good time of eating and visiting. My mother-in-law and I of course had to go shopping, and I managed to find some bargain prices on Christmas presents for my nephews. We haven't ever spent time together like that, and it was nice to be able to do so. I was only there for a few days and headed back out on the road to get home. Surprisingly, as many hours as I spent on the road, I wasn't road-weary like I expected to be. God is good in even small things.
Once home I spent Monday and most of Tuesday getting ready for a visit from my parents and grandmother. I have thanked God for my family, but this week it seemed to hit me just how much I AM thankful for my parents. They have been traveling a great deal, and had just arrived home themselves the Friday before they came out here. I trust their visit was restful, though, since I managed to take care of all of the cooking (except for breakfast because they get up too early for me :-p), and we didn't try to find things to go and do. We did venture out a few times. Since my husband-hero is abroad, my first hero, Dad, helped me fix some things with the lawn mower that I was concerned about. What a weight off my mind. I hadn't realized I was so concered about it until after it was done. I plan to use it sometime later this week to give the yard one last cutting and rid the yard of the fallen leaves as well. Thanksgiving dinner came off without a hitch--my first!! I cooked a turkey breast (kind of cheated there, but we didn't need a whole turkey) which was unbelievably juicy, and also had a small ham. Dad has to watch his sugar/starch intake, and so there weren't any of the standard carbohydrates other than sweet potatoes. Fresh green beans and asparagus, Waldorf salad, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. I think I surprised both of my parents at my ability to plan it, prepare it, and get it on the table in a timely fashion. I think I surprised myself a little, too...... Anyway, Dad's birthday was Saturday, and he got a from-scratch sugar-free coconut cream pie and homemade pizza. I think all in all the visit was a good one, and I thoroughly enjoyed being the hostess.
And now I am back to just me. Chris starts the day shift tomorrow, and we both hope he will be less bored. We are almost at the half-way point and are now at the place where we can start saying, at least every once in a while, "we only have.....left" instead of "it's only been...."
I am blessed beyond measure. Help me, Lord, to express my thanks to you every day.
Two weeks ago I headed out for a fast trip to the midwest. First stop was my brother in Ohio. He had purchased a home in May, and I wanted to see it as well as him. It was a long 13-hour drive to get there, something I haven't done in a very long time. But it was worth it to spend the time with him. We roamed through the air museum at WPAFB the next day--airplanes are somewhat of a hobby/passion for him, and I am always interested in anything to do with history. Granted, there are very modern models there, too, which were no less interesting to me. We had no where nearly enough time.
I left him the following morning and headed to Indiana for a one-day stopover for a local church convention. My parents were also there, and I wanted to see them. One of the preachers that I enjoy hearing was the evening speaker. It was a small meeting, but enjoyable.
Leaving there the following morning I headed to my in-laws toward the southeastern part of IN. We had an early Thanksgiving dinner with Chris's grandparents making the (for them) arduous hour-long trip. I was very humbled that they would do this, and we had a good time of eating and visiting. My mother-in-law and I of course had to go shopping, and I managed to find some bargain prices on Christmas presents for my nephews. We haven't ever spent time together like that, and it was nice to be able to do so. I was only there for a few days and headed back out on the road to get home. Surprisingly, as many hours as I spent on the road, I wasn't road-weary like I expected to be. God is good in even small things.
Once home I spent Monday and most of Tuesday getting ready for a visit from my parents and grandmother. I have thanked God for my family, but this week it seemed to hit me just how much I AM thankful for my parents. They have been traveling a great deal, and had just arrived home themselves the Friday before they came out here. I trust their visit was restful, though, since I managed to take care of all of the cooking (except for breakfast because they get up too early for me :-p), and we didn't try to find things to go and do. We did venture out a few times. Since my husband-hero is abroad, my first hero, Dad, helped me fix some things with the lawn mower that I was concerned about. What a weight off my mind. I hadn't realized I was so concered about it until after it was done. I plan to use it sometime later this week to give the yard one last cutting and rid the yard of the fallen leaves as well. Thanksgiving dinner came off without a hitch--my first!! I cooked a turkey breast (kind of cheated there, but we didn't need a whole turkey) which was unbelievably juicy, and also had a small ham. Dad has to watch his sugar/starch intake, and so there weren't any of the standard carbohydrates other than sweet potatoes. Fresh green beans and asparagus, Waldorf salad, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. I think I surprised both of my parents at my ability to plan it, prepare it, and get it on the table in a timely fashion. I think I surprised myself a little, too...... Anyway, Dad's birthday was Saturday, and he got a from-scratch sugar-free coconut cream pie and homemade pizza. I think all in all the visit was a good one, and I thoroughly enjoyed being the hostess.
And now I am back to just me. Chris starts the day shift tomorrow, and we both hope he will be less bored. We are almost at the half-way point and are now at the place where we can start saying, at least every once in a while, "we only have.....left" instead of "it's only been...."
I am blessed beyond measure. Help me, Lord, to express my thanks to you every day.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Flowers, Candy, and a Starbucks Gift Card
Isn't wonderful how the people at church, your "church family," can be so much like family? To those of us who are far from family, or old friends, it is a blessing. I was pleasantly surprised by the showing of affection tonight after church. I don't know who there is keeping track, but someone remembered that my birthday is tomorrow, and there was an iced sheet-cookie and lots of presents, which was astounding. Cake and cards I understand, but the gifts were above and beyond necessary, and it was humbling.
I am so thankful for my church. I have told many people, and in front of my pastor and his wife, no less, that the one number one thing that has made my transition from Virginia to Louisiana bearable is that I have a wonderful church to attend. AND I already knew the pastor and his wife from years ago. I can't imagine moving here and not knowing anyone but my husband. I am so thankful that God showed me mercy in that area when he decided to move me from my roots. I love my husband, but the loss of constant familiar contact with old friends would have made my homesickness unbearable for my poor husband!
So thanks to my wonderful church family, this second important date during my husband's deployment will not seem so empty, as I am going into tomorrow with the love of new friends and the feeling of acceptance that you can only know by experience, not verbal description.
It is now midnight, CST. Happy birthday to me!
I am so thankful for my church. I have told many people, and in front of my pastor and his wife, no less, that the one number one thing that has made my transition from Virginia to Louisiana bearable is that I have a wonderful church to attend. AND I already knew the pastor and his wife from years ago. I can't imagine moving here and not knowing anyone but my husband. I am so thankful that God showed me mercy in that area when he decided to move me from my roots. I love my husband, but the loss of constant familiar contact with old friends would have made my homesickness unbearable for my poor husband!
So thanks to my wonderful church family, this second important date during my husband's deployment will not seem so empty, as I am going into tomorrow with the love of new friends and the feeling of acceptance that you can only know by experience, not verbal description.
It is now midnight, CST. Happy birthday to me!
Monday, October 22, 2007
Gubenatorial Victory
Even though I could have come up with many other things I would RATHER have been doing on my wedding anniversary, I was happy to have the opportunity to vote and elect a breath of fresh air for Louisiana. We have a few crucial races that are now at the runoff stage, and I do hope that everyone will return to the polls next month to complete the elections. Congratulations, Bobby Jindal!
Saturday, October 20, 2007
One Year Later
Happy anniversary, darling. I know we are apart this year, but remember my heart is always with you.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Is our health worth convenience?,2933,295761,00.html
Forget about inhaling the fumes from ARTIFICIALLY FLAVORED butter microwave popcorn--that stuff is INGESTED. Why do we think artificial flavors are harmless--they are chemically based. Yet most of America blindly goes about buying food without reading the ingredients or considering the chemical, preservative, and dye content. I wonder how many chronic or terminal illnesses could be/can be avoided or even reversed if we did read and consider. And my mother laughed at me for using an air popper...
Forget about inhaling the fumes from ARTIFICIALLY FLAVORED butter microwave popcorn--that stuff is INGESTED. Why do we think artificial flavors are harmless--they are chemically based. Yet most of America blindly goes about buying food without reading the ingredients or considering the chemical, preservative, and dye content. I wonder how many chronic or terminal illnesses could be/can be avoided or even reversed if we did read and consider. And my mother laughed at me for using an air popper...
Monday, August 13, 2007
I Thought I Lived in the Country
I was excited to view the Perseid meteor shower last night since it was supposed to be the prime and peak viewing time. While I did see a couple streaks in the sky, one which seemed to be close to the tops of the trees, how disappointed I was once I got outside. Until last night I hadn't realized just how many of my neighbors have ruined our country nights by having STREET LIGHTS. And wouldn't you know the worse offenders were in the exact direction that I needed to face last night--toward the north. I expected some residual light from the city 10 miles up to the north. Why do people move to the country and drag their STREET LIGHTS along with them? Stay in the city if you want city surroundings. It's as bad as people moving from DC to Winchester for the country living. That's what they say, but they forget to count the cost--living in the country means you don't have all the comforts of city-home living like your favorite store/shop right around the corner. So they petition for those businesses to move into the area and, voila, metropolitan enlargement. ARGH As hot as it has been during the day, we even had a relatively cool night for star-watching. Motion lights on the corner of the house I can understant, but not the continual lighting from country street lights. What an oxymoron.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Two Down, Two to Go
Rather surprising that two weeks have passed since Chris left for training. I'm doing fine, except for missing him. Not the kind of crying-ones-heart-out missing, but just feeling like the rest of you is not there. Of course, I can't wait to see him. He's doing very well--getting into shape, something I hope he keeps up with once he gets back. We've both been too inactive, and it's showing.
Heard a song a little while ago that I haven't heard in a very long time, and I thought I would post it for encouragement to anyone who needs it.
Heard a song a little while ago that I haven't heard in a very long time, and I thought I would post it for encouragement to anyone who needs it.
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
There is no scar, no pain He won't understand
Those broken dreams you've carried this far
Need his touch to mend
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
What brought you here to this time, to the place
Where your own strength has found its end
And the load that you bear is too heavy to carry
Come bring it all to Him
For the souls that know surrender
He is gracious to hold us so tightly
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
There is no scar, no pain He won't understand
Those broken dreams you've carried this far
Need his touch to mend
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
There is no scar, no pain He won't understand
Those broken dreams you've carried this far
Need his touch to mend
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Life Goes On
The grass is mowed, the dishes are washed, and almost of all of the laundry is done. After two days of not feeling like doing anything, I had had enough, and asked God to give me some life so I could get up and get going. He did, and I have. Grocery shopping was an odd feeling today, as most of what I normally look through and look at was unnecessary for just me. Not even a year, yet, and there are plenty of habits and routines already established. We think old married couples are in a rut. It really isn't a rut but a routine with which both parties are comfortable and doesn't need to be changed. A rut was what I was getting into--ever heard the saying that a rut is nothing more than a grave with both ends knocked out?
Monday, July 30, 2007
Parting is Such....Sorrow
Being able to say goodbye has never been a strength of mine. I don't suppose it is for anyone, at least when those to whom you are saying it are close to your heart. Tonight I am thankful for an all-seeing, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent God who has both Chris and I engraven in his hand.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Only two jars, but...
The plants in my garden have, for the most part, been growing heartily. (The beets sort of didn't happen, and I replanted them this week.) Anyway, the only things I have really been able to pick are squash, cucumbers, and jalepenos, and the only things we've really done anything with are the first two. I planted the jalepenos for my dearly beloved, but he won't eat them unless he's in the mood to eat them. Sooooo I accumulated quite a few of them and decided today that I needed to do some canning. I haven't canned anything since I was living at home, and then that was only as a helper to mom. Well, I have two nice little pint jars of jalepenos now, and I'm feeling rather proud of myself :) What we'll use them for in the future I don't know, but we have them!
Chris's co-workers think I'm Betty Crocker or something out of the pioneer days because I cook dinner every night. He likes to take leftovers and make everyone drool from the aromas. It really isn't anything special--I am not chef material like my dear friend in IL, and I make my bread in a bread machine. We are such a busy, driven people that for someone to take the time to be in the kitchen like I do just astounds people. Besides trying to be a good steward of our money, I feel like I am serving my husband and God as God would have me serve. I enjoy the time in the evening when we sit down to dinner, and we rehearse our days (many times he has much more to say than I do). No matter what job I have had, I have tried to fulfill the duties to the best of my ability. I have finally attained the position for which I have always longed, and I am happy to fulfill those duties in the same manner. Chris never fails to compliment me, but how much better can you get than to have your husband think so much of you that he likes to compliment you to his co-workers!
Chris's co-workers think I'm Betty Crocker or something out of the pioneer days because I cook dinner every night. He likes to take leftovers and make everyone drool from the aromas. It really isn't anything special--I am not chef material like my dear friend in IL, and I make my bread in a bread machine. We are such a busy, driven people that for someone to take the time to be in the kitchen like I do just astounds people. Besides trying to be a good steward of our money, I feel like I am serving my husband and God as God would have me serve. I enjoy the time in the evening when we sit down to dinner, and we rehearse our days (many times he has much more to say than I do). No matter what job I have had, I have tried to fulfill the duties to the best of my ability. I have finally attained the position for which I have always longed, and I am happy to fulfill those duties in the same manner. Chris never fails to compliment me, but how much better can you get than to have your husband think so much of you that he likes to compliment you to his co-workers!
Friday, June 15, 2007
Early Anniversary Trip
As posted before, Chris and I are facing a deployment for him in September. If this is the case, and God does not see fit to keep him home, we will spend our first anniversary many, many miles apart. Soooooo, we are preparing to take a two-week vacation to California to sight-see the west! I have been quite a few times, but he has never made it passed Oklahoma. Well, he has, but he totally skipped the west when he flew to Hawaii. Anyway.....camping is a joy of his, and I have wanted to go camping for some time, so we plan to tent the whole way. What a way to enjoy all of the national parks along the way! We are actually headed to CA for a church youth camp where we plan to help the administration--no, not as counsellors, but in most any other way we can (kitchen, grounds, security). We're both looking forward to it all, and since technology is what it is now, I hope to post pics all along the way: Grand Canyon, Death Valley, Yosemite, Hoover Dam, southern Utah, and whatever else we find. I'll be looking for a ghost town or two, and I think Chris will just be looking at it all :) I love the east coast and don't deny that I miss Virginia, but the west is in my blood (thanks to my mother). The mountains and the vastness and the ruggedness and even the barrenness has a beauty all it's own. Yes, I'm excited!!
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Yard Work

Sunday, June 3, 2007
One Down, Two to Go
In preparation for his upcoming deployment in September, Chris was to attend a two-week training in Va, starting today, and a four-week training in August. He received a call this past Friday morning stating that the Va training had been completely cancelled. We feel that the Lord has answered our prayers, and if it takes praying each of them cancelled, one at a time, then so be it. God moves in mysterious ways sometimes, and if he wants to do things one at a time, then we can use the practice praying and exercising our faith if nothing else! Our summer started out with him being gone for its entirety, and now we have been given back two months. Thank you, Heavenly Father!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Well, It Has Happened
Much sooner than we expected, Chris received the call to go. We are facing a deployment for him this summer for a period of time that will keep him away for our first anniversary and all of the holiday season. We are asking God to move and keep Chris home, and asking everyone to join us in this prayer.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Pictures Say So Much
Ok, so we had some pictures taken on Sunday for Easter. Now I already know there is more to me now than when Chris married me, and I've been complaining about it a lot lately. Like a good husband, Chris refuses to say anything other than "You're not fat" every time I say I am. Well, after seeing our pics on Sunday, I had enough. Chris has done some personal training--setting up exercise routines and such for people. This week he started working out more than just his PT day, and I told him I wanted him to set up something for me. So as of this evening after he came home from work, I am now on an exercise routine that I am to do at least 3 days a week. I think having someone to which I am now accountable will help me stay on track. I sure don't have a desire to go back to work, but it did keep me just active enough to prevent too much weight gain. Instead of the freshman 40, I have picked up the newlywed 20. Thank goodness spring is here.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Happy Easter
Monday, April 2, 2007
Fitness Exam
Want to know how to determine if you are out of shape or not? Try leading the children's booster band on a Sunday morning. I think I did the eqivalent of 3 sets of squats yesterday. Oh my legs............
Too Quiet
From spending my first night away from my husband to my brother and sister-in-law leaving yesterday, it has been an eventful and full week. Actually, it began a week ago Friday, when I spent the night in Covington, La., in order to do a conference for the former workplace. We had both been looking forward to this opportunity to get away from home, even if just for overnight. At the last minute he couldn’t go due to his position with the Base Honor Guard, of which the primary function is funeral participation. Needless to say neither of us slept particularly well that night. Once you become half of a whole everything seems lopsided and off-balance when the other half isn’t present. It was fun for me, though, to once again immerse myself in the world of homeschooling, and the buzz of conference season. I do not miss the five-day-a-week work schedule, but working on a contractual basis has some appeal for me. Working so many years forms a well-worn groove in one’s life, I suppose. The most exciting part of the weekend was bringing my nephews home for a visit. I was amazed at how I was able to just fall into caring for them as if I had all the practice in the world. It was an action-packed week, and when it was time for them to go home yesterday, none of us was ready for them to leave. I guess that was best. Had they stayed another week, I might have been ready to take them all the way home myself, and this way everyone left the experience ready to do it again!! Two little people with such different personalities. Oh how I see myself in my oldest nephew. I told my brother that I was sorry he got my child! He asked me if I saw myself in him, and I told him I had since he was a baby. His wife thinks she sees the attitude parts of herself, and I won’t argue since I didn’t know her then, but I felt a very strong déjà vu all week. The younger one is such a ham. The older one wants to know everything—always thinking—and is somewhat reserved. The younger one just experiences everything, and everything he says is said with a cheeky grin, including his smart-offs. Try correcting a child when he does that!! What a constant whirl, from keeping them fed to putting them to bed. It would be nice to live on the same street so they can come and go as they please, and of course it would be great to live so close to family. The house and yard are now too quiet, and I know I’ll get a lot of cute remarks about wanting to have my own now, but that really isn’t so. My nephews are 6 and 4, and children don’t start at that age. My brother and sis-in-law have also done a great job of raising their boys—again, they don’t start out that way. I’m leaving children in God’s hands, as it is no small or short-lived task to undertake.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Mutant rice for every ailment
Why do I suddenly feel cannabalistic or mutant when I think about eating rice for dinner?
Excerpt from
(NewsTarget) For the first time, the USDA has given preliminary approval for large-scale planting of a genetically engineered food crop containing human genes. The rice grains, produced by California-based Ventria Bioscience, synthesize a human immune protein. The public comment period for this decision lasts until March 30, after which the decision will be finalized. . .• The USDA has tentatively approved a petition by Ventria to plant up to 3,200 acres of the modified rice in Geary County, Kan. If the approval stands, Ventria will begin by planting 450 acres this spring.• Previously, Ventria had sought to grow the rice in Missouri, but the plan was abandoned when Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. threatened to boycott all rice from the state. Anheuser-Busch, a beer maker, is the country's foremost buyer of rice.• Anheuser-Busch had the same concern as many critics of genetically engineered plants, which is that genes from engineered varieties may spread to and "genetically pollute" non-engineered or even wild relatives of the plants.• Critics of the USDA's decision have expressed concern that genetic pollution in this case could cause potentially dangerous pharmacological proteins to contaminate the food supply. The same day that the USDA gave the new rice the green light, it announced that rice seed in Arkansas had become contaminated by a different genetically engineered strain not approved for consumption. This was discovered while investigating the widespread contamination of rice in the U.S. with yet another genetically modified strain.• According to Ventria, the genetically engineered rice could allow the cheap production of immune proteins that have been shown to help children recover faster from severe diarrhea. It is seeking FDA approval to add the protein to foods such as yogurt and granola.
What a sickening thought. The USDA is accepting public comment until March 30 on docket APHIS-2007-0006.
Excerpt from
(NewsTarget) For the first time, the USDA has given preliminary approval for large-scale planting of a genetically engineered food crop containing human genes. The rice grains, produced by California-based Ventria Bioscience, synthesize a human immune protein. The public comment period for this decision lasts until March 30, after which the decision will be finalized. . .• The USDA has tentatively approved a petition by Ventria to plant up to 3,200 acres of the modified rice in Geary County, Kan. If the approval stands, Ventria will begin by planting 450 acres this spring.• Previously, Ventria had sought to grow the rice in Missouri, but the plan was abandoned when Anheuser-Busch Companies Inc. threatened to boycott all rice from the state. Anheuser-Busch, a beer maker, is the country's foremost buyer of rice.• Anheuser-Busch had the same concern as many critics of genetically engineered plants, which is that genes from engineered varieties may spread to and "genetically pollute" non-engineered or even wild relatives of the plants.• Critics of the USDA's decision have expressed concern that genetic pollution in this case could cause potentially dangerous pharmacological proteins to contaminate the food supply. The same day that the USDA gave the new rice the green light, it announced that rice seed in Arkansas had become contaminated by a different genetically engineered strain not approved for consumption. This was discovered while investigating the widespread contamination of rice in the U.S. with yet another genetically modified strain.• According to Ventria, the genetically engineered rice could allow the cheap production of immune proteins that have been shown to help children recover faster from severe diarrhea. It is seeking FDA approval to add the protein to foods such as yogurt and granola.
What a sickening thought. The USDA is accepting public comment until March 30 on docket APHIS-2007-0006.
Thursday, February 8, 2007
To Live is Christ. . .
In loving memory of my uncle
Elden Ray Mayo, Sr. (USMC Ret.)
who found that ". . .to die is gain."
June 24, 1937 - February 7, 2007
Your smile and greeting hug with "Hey, gal!" will be missed,
but I look for the day when you will once again
greet me and together we will worship our Lord, forever.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Blessed Health
I have just come in from refilling the birdseed in the feeder, as well as recently finishing my breakfast. "Breakfast?!?" I hear almost in chorus. Yes, I got up after 10 this morning. Today is the first day in 6 I have woken and felt well. I contracted some sort of bronchial irritation, though I can't give it a name since I haven't been to the doc. I actually feel today like I will be able to remain in an upright position for extended periods of time. Most of the weekend and the first two days of this week have been spent sleeping, hence the title of this post. We have all heard someone say that your health is worth so much more than your wealth. All of your money cannot buy good health. Yes, I know there are so many things we can do to keep ourselves healthy, and I say spend the money to do so. But we should never, ever think that we can abuse our bodies in younger years by working long hours for Mammon, and then fix ourselves when we are older with the Mammon we have accumulated. Our bodies are surely the temples of the Lord, and He would have us remember that in all ways. If we are to serve God with our all of our mind, soul, strength, and body, we can only do that by taking care of what He has given us. As a single girl living on her own far away from Mommy and Daddy, one of the richest blessings that I ever had from God was my health. I missed work for very few sick days, and when you are your own support, that means a great deal. God didn't just provide money for me to live, but He provided the ability to earn that money. Thank you, Lord!
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
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