Monday, August 13, 2007

I Thought I Lived in the Country

I was excited to view the Perseid meteor shower last night since it was supposed to be the prime and peak viewing time. While I did see a couple streaks in the sky, one which seemed to be close to the tops of the trees, how disappointed I was once I got outside. Until last night I hadn't realized just how many of my neighbors have ruined our country nights by having STREET LIGHTS. And wouldn't you know the worse offenders were in the exact direction that I needed to face last night--toward the north. I expected some residual light from the city 10 miles up to the north. Why do people move to the country and drag their STREET LIGHTS along with them? Stay in the city if you want city surroundings. It's as bad as people moving from DC to Winchester for the country living. That's what they say, but they forget to count the cost--living in the country means you don't have all the comforts of city-home living like your favorite store/shop right around the corner. So they petition for those businesses to move into the area and, voila, metropolitan enlargement. ARGH As hot as it has been during the day, we even had a relatively cool night for star-watching. Motion lights on the corner of the house I can understant, but not the continual lighting from country street lights. What an oxymoron.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Two Down, Two to Go

Rather surprising that two weeks have passed since Chris left for training. I'm doing fine, except for missing him. Not the kind of crying-ones-heart-out missing, but just feeling like the rest of you is not there. Of course, I can't wait to see him. He's doing very well--getting into shape, something I hope he keeps up with once he gets back. We've both been too inactive, and it's showing.

Heard a song a little while ago that I haven't heard in a very long time, and I thought I would post it for encouragement to anyone who needs it.

Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
There is no scar, no pain He won't understand
Those broken dreams you've carried this far
Need his touch to mend
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
What brought you here to this time, to the place
Where your own strength has found its end
And the load that you bear is too heavy to carry
Come bring it all to Him
For the souls that know surrender
He is gracious to hold us so tightly
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands
There is no scar, no pain He won't understand
Those broken dreams you've carried this far
Need his touch to mend
Pick up your heart and Carry it to healing hands

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Life Goes On

The grass is mowed, the dishes are washed, and almost of all of the laundry is done. After two days of not feeling like doing anything, I had had enough, and asked God to give me some life so I could get up and get going. He did, and I have. Grocery shopping was an odd feeling today, as most of what I normally look through and look at was unnecessary for just me. Not even a year, yet, and there are plenty of habits and routines already established. We think old married couples are in a rut. It really isn't a rut but a routine with which both parties are comfortable and doesn't need to be changed. A rut was what I was getting into--ever heard the saying that a rut is nothing more than a grave with both ends knocked out?