Thursday, February 8, 2007

To Live is Christ. . .

In loving memory of my uncle
Elden Ray Mayo, Sr. (USMC Ret.)
who found that ". . .to die is gain."
June 24, 1937 - February 7, 2007
Your smile and greeting hug with "Hey, gal!" will be missed,
but I look for the day when you will once again
greet me and together we will worship our Lord, forever.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Blessed Health

I have just come in from refilling the birdseed in the feeder, as well as recently finishing my breakfast. "Breakfast?!?" I hear almost in chorus. Yes, I got up after 10 this morning. Today is the first day in 6 I have woken and felt well. I contracted some sort of bronchial irritation, though I can't give it a name since I haven't been to the doc. I actually feel today like I will be able to remain in an upright position for extended periods of time. Most of the weekend and the first two days of this week have been spent sleeping, hence the title of this post. We have all heard someone say that your health is worth so much more than your wealth. All of your money cannot buy good health. Yes, I know there are so many things we can do to keep ourselves healthy, and I say spend the money to do so. But we should never, ever think that we can abuse our bodies in younger years by working long hours for Mammon, and then fix ourselves when we are older with the Mammon we have accumulated. Our bodies are surely the temples of the Lord, and He would have us remember that in all ways. If we are to serve God with our all of our mind, soul, strength, and body, we can only do that by taking care of what He has given us. As a single girl living on her own far away from Mommy and Daddy, one of the richest blessings that I ever had from God was my health. I missed work for very few sick days, and when you are your own support, that means a great deal. God didn't just provide money for me to live, but He provided the ability to earn that money. Thank you, Lord!

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Created by Popular Demand

Here's to all of you who have requested this chronicle of my new life :)