Friday, November 30, 2007

Newborns and Old Friends

How wonderful it was the past two days to combine the two! I have a Virginia friend living relatively nearby and she had her second child last week. I was unable to visit until this week, and then wound up spending two nights impromptu in order to visit not just with her, but her parents also, who I haven't seen since rougly this time last year. The baby boy is adorable--and such a good baby! This is a blessing to my friend since her oldest child will only turn 1 year old next week. Yes, she has her hands full. Now I'm missing Virginia all over again, and simply will have to make plans for a visit!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's the End of November??

What a busy two weeks I have had! Actually, I've been pretty much on the go since the beginning of October (it was a beautiful wedding, Julie!) with either somewhere to go or something to do at home. I am a homebody, but have been glad for the opportunities to keep my mind off of my "aloneness."

Two weeks ago I headed out for a fast trip to the midwest. First stop was my brother in Ohio. He had purchased a home in May, and I wanted to see it as well as him. It was a long 13-hour drive to get there, something I haven't done in a very long time. But it was worth it to spend the time with him. We roamed through the air museum at WPAFB the next day--airplanes are somewhat of a hobby/passion for him, and I am always interested in anything to do with history. Granted, there are very modern models there, too, which were no less interesting to me. We had no where nearly enough time.

I left him the following morning and headed to Indiana for a one-day stopover for a local church convention. My parents were also there, and I wanted to see them. One of the preachers that I enjoy hearing was the evening speaker. It was a small meeting, but enjoyable.

Leaving there the following morning I headed to my in-laws toward the southeastern part of IN. We had an early Thanksgiving dinner with Chris's grandparents making the (for them) arduous hour-long trip. I was very humbled that they would do this, and we had a good time of eating and visiting. My mother-in-law and I of course had to go shopping, and I managed to find some bargain prices on Christmas presents for my nephews. We haven't ever spent time together like that, and it was nice to be able to do so. I was only there for a few days and headed back out on the road to get home. Surprisingly, as many hours as I spent on the road, I wasn't road-weary like I expected to be. God is good in even small things.

Once home I spent Monday and most of Tuesday getting ready for a visit from my parents and grandmother. I have thanked God for my family, but this week it seemed to hit me just how much I AM thankful for my parents. They have been traveling a great deal, and had just arrived home themselves the Friday before they came out here. I trust their visit was restful, though, since I managed to take care of all of the cooking (except for breakfast because they get up too early for me :-p), and we didn't try to find things to go and do. We did venture out a few times. Since my husband-hero is abroad, my first hero, Dad, helped me fix some things with the lawn mower that I was concerned about. What a weight off my mind. I hadn't realized I was so concered about it until after it was done. I plan to use it sometime later this week to give the yard one last cutting and rid the yard of the fallen leaves as well. Thanksgiving dinner came off without a hitch--my first!! I cooked a turkey breast (kind of cheated there, but we didn't need a whole turkey) which was unbelievably juicy, and also had a small ham. Dad has to watch his sugar/starch intake, and so there weren't any of the standard carbohydrates other than sweet potatoes. Fresh green beans and asparagus, Waldorf salad, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie for dessert. I think I surprised both of my parents at my ability to plan it, prepare it, and get it on the table in a timely fashion. I think I surprised myself a little, too...... Anyway, Dad's birthday was Saturday, and he got a from-scratch sugar-free coconut cream pie and homemade pizza. I think all in all the visit was a good one, and I thoroughly enjoyed being the hostess.

And now I am back to just me. Chris starts the day shift tomorrow, and we both hope he will be less bored. We are almost at the half-way point and are now at the place where we can start saying, at least every once in a while, "we only have.....left" instead of "it's only been...."

I am blessed beyond measure. Help me, Lord, to express my thanks to you every day.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Flowers, Candy, and a Starbucks Gift Card

Isn't wonderful how the people at church, your "church family," can be so much like family? To those of us who are far from family, or old friends, it is a blessing. I was pleasantly surprised by the showing of affection tonight after church. I don't know who there is keeping track, but someone remembered that my birthday is tomorrow, and there was an iced sheet-cookie and lots of presents, which was astounding. Cake and cards I understand, but the gifts were above and beyond necessary, and it was humbling.

I am so thankful for my church. I have told many people, and in front of my pastor and his wife, no less, that the one number one thing that has made my transition from Virginia to Louisiana bearable is that I have a wonderful church to attend. AND I already knew the pastor and his wife from years ago. I can't imagine moving here and not knowing anyone but my husband. I am so thankful that God showed me mercy in that area when he decided to move me from my roots. I love my husband, but the loss of constant familiar contact with old friends would have made my homesickness unbearable for my poor husband!

So thanks to my wonderful church family, this second important date during my husband's deployment will not seem so empty, as I am going into tomorrow with the love of new friends and the feeling of acceptance that you can only know by experience, not verbal description.

It is now midnight, CST. Happy birthday to me!