Sunday, November 4, 2007

Flowers, Candy, and a Starbucks Gift Card

Isn't wonderful how the people at church, your "church family," can be so much like family? To those of us who are far from family, or old friends, it is a blessing. I was pleasantly surprised by the showing of affection tonight after church. I don't know who there is keeping track, but someone remembered that my birthday is tomorrow, and there was an iced sheet-cookie and lots of presents, which was astounding. Cake and cards I understand, but the gifts were above and beyond necessary, and it was humbling.

I am so thankful for my church. I have told many people, and in front of my pastor and his wife, no less, that the one number one thing that has made my transition from Virginia to Louisiana bearable is that I have a wonderful church to attend. AND I already knew the pastor and his wife from years ago. I can't imagine moving here and not knowing anyone but my husband. I am so thankful that God showed me mercy in that area when he decided to move me from my roots. I love my husband, but the loss of constant familiar contact with old friends would have made my homesickness unbearable for my poor husband!

So thanks to my wonderful church family, this second important date during my husband's deployment will not seem so empty, as I am going into tomorrow with the love of new friends and the feeling of acceptance that you can only know by experience, not verbal description.

It is now midnight, CST. Happy birthday to me!


Nic Ridley said...

Happy Birthday Avril! Hope you have a wonderful day!

M. Hunsberger said...

Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy... ummmm... forgot where I was going with that...

Amy K said...

That's so sweet of your church family. Happy belated birthday!

Rachelle said...

I'm so glad to read you were treated as you should be on your bd!